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Delete Loan Repayment / Penalty

Repayments made or penalties levied in error on a given loan can be deleted using the delete loan entries feature. This is useful if an error in the repayment or penalty has been discovered and needs to be corrected.

How to delete a loan repayment or penalty

To delete a repayment or penalty you go to Loans\Delete Loan Entries\Delete Loan Repayment\Penalty and a screen like the one below shows up:

If the All repayments (and Penalties) option is selected, then all the repayments and penalties paid by that date will be deleted.

If the Specific repayments option is selected, a repayments schedule is shown up and you can then select the repayment to be deleted.

If the A specific penalty option is selected, a list of all paid penalties will be displayed and you can then select the penalty that you want to delete.

If the One Group Members Repayment Only option is selected, a Group Member scroll window is displayed where you can select the specific member whose installments are to be deleted.

Click on the Delete command button to complete the deletion.

Loan Performer keeps a log for all loans entries or penalties that have been deleted, the reasons for the deletion and the officer who carries out the deletion. You can view this report at Deleted Loans\Repayments Report

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